Business Ready branding

glued marketing

A new support programme to take high-tech companies in Warwickshire and Coventry to the next level is now being promoted by Stratford-upon-Avon based Glued.

The Business Ready programme is delivered by the University of Warwickshire and supported by Warwickshire County Council and the European Regional Development Fund.

Local business branding consultancy, Glued won the contract to promote the programme in partnership with Advent Communications and Image+ of Coventry who are developing the web site for the initiative.

Eligible companies will get advice and mentoring, access to key services and University resources to maximise their growth potential. Contributing to the skills base and competitiveness of the region.

Targeted at established small or medium sized growing business, progressive start-ups will also be considered.

Janette Pallas, of the University of Warwick Science Park, said Business Ready built on the support services already offered by the Science Park.

She said: “Business Ready will help to grow the region’s economy and create new jobs.

“Barriers to growth usually come down to a lack of access – to space, to finance, to knowledge and skills and to markets. For some SMEs it can be one or all of those issues that’s affecting them and Business Ready will help them to overcome them and, therefore, grow more quickly.”

David Wilson, Creative Director at Glued, said “It is great to be involved with an initiative that reflects our own mission to have a positive impact on the local and regional economy through its businesses.”


The team from UWSP Business Ready
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