Libera: cultivating a quality pipeline

“I’m in shock – 24 people have signed up for our workshop already!”

Miriam Lemar, Managing Director, Libera

Libera Creative from Glued Limited

The context: Libera survived the impacts of the pandemic however efforts had understandably focused on delivery and as consequence prospecting and the opportunity for new business shrunk. Libera are determined to continue adding value for General Practices, Primary Care Networks (PCN) and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) by embracing technology and enabling new ways of working.

The requirement: Opportunities for networking and face-to-face engagements to make new contacts and secure referrals were limited.  New ways needed to be found to create business opportunities. Following debate with Glued, Libera commissioned them to conduct a trial with email marketing to generate leads.

The outputs: Following initial email engagement using topical subjects with Libera’s own database, the conclusion was to seek bought in data to increase the volume of opportunities. Libera and Glued sought quality GDPR sources and eventually Libera used their own source. Subsequent emails promoted workshops about preparation for visits from the Care Quality Commission. Resources were also provided for web pages, a lead magnet, social media posts and Eventbrite.

The results: 35 people registered for the first workshop after two emails and one Linkedin post. The success of the first free webinar prompted Libera to set up another one on the same theme; this has attracted an additional 18 attendees with another month to go. Libera have a growing and quality sales pipeline to cultivate and take them on to their next phase of growth.

Libera Partners
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