By David Wilson, Creative Partner at Glued
In my world June is an important month as like many other gay men I celebrate Pride Month. If we’d been in a ‘normal’ year this Saturday 13th of June would have been Coventry Pride. As a Trustee of Coventry Pride between 2016-2018 Pride Month is close to my heart. The lockdown has meant that my local pride has been cancelled along with every other across the UK. But my own pride for who I am and what I helped achieve while doing the marketing for Coventry Pride isn’t lost: I helped to double the footfall into Coventry city centre to over 20,000 in 2018.
Across the world we’ve seen that many communities still face massive challenges to get equality and break down discrimination. As a person who identifies as coming from a minority group, I’ve experienced discrimination from all sorts of sources: some face-to-face on the streets, some from corporates and some from institutions. I have first-hand experience. We can all see that many forms of discrimination are alive and being challenged today in the UK. The Pride Movement, which I most align to of course, also started with riots in 1969 – the Stonewall Riots. Other minority communities right now across the world are demonstrating for rightful equality which is long overdue.
So, from today for the rest of June, Glued will be proudly flying an LGBTQ+ version of our logo to demonstrate that the business I’m a joint owner of is a champion for equality and diversity in all its forms.
More than ever I believe that we should all respect diversity and celebrate difference: Coventry Pride is a charity run by volunteers with that mission: learn more at: